Reuven Ianconescu

Academic staff member

Shenkar college of engineering and design, Ramat Gan, Israel




Tel Aviv University

Electrical Engineering, B.Sc., summa cum laude (1987)

Tel Aviv University

Electrical Engineering, Ph.D. (1994)

Advisor: Prof. Ehud Heyman

Tel Aviv University

Postdoctoral research (2002-2003)

Supervisor: Prof. Larry Horwitz

Weizmann Institute of Science

Postdoctoral research (2004-2006)

Supervisor: Prof. Eli Pollak

M.Sc. Advisor

(from 2018)

Tel Aviv University

Thesis subject:

Fundamental processes of interaction between electron beams and electromagnetic radiation

Referee publications

Use the Journal link, or the direct Download link (for a recompiled manuscript, where available)

R. Ianconescu and V. Vulfin, “Radiation from Quasi-TEM insulated transmission lines”, IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation (IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, accepted, 2019) Download

R. Ianconescu and V. Vulfin, “Radiation from free space TEM transmission lines”, arXiv:1701.04878 (IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, under review, 2019) Download

A. Gover, R. Ianconescu, A. Friedman, C. Emma, N. Sudar, P. Musumeci and C. Pellegrini, “Superradiant and stimulated-superradiant emission of bunched electron beams”, arXiv:1810.07566 (Reviews of Modern Physics, accepted, 2019) Download

A. Nause, R. Ianconescu and A. Gover, "Correlated electron beam microbunching and shot-noise characterization with near and far field optical transition radiation", Journal of the Optical Society of America B 35(11), pp. 2869-2875 (2018) Download

R. Ianconescu and E. Pollak, "Oscillations in the mean transition time of a particle scattered on a double slit potential", J. Chem. Phys. 149, 164114 (2018) Download

V. Vulfin, S. Sayfan-Altman and R. Ianconescu, “Wireless power transfer for a pacemaker application”, Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, 41(4), pp. 325-332 (2017) Download

R. Ianconescu and V. Vulfin, “Analysis of lossy multiconductor transmission lines and application of a crosstalk canceling algorithm”, IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 11(3), pp. 394-401 (2016) Download

R. Ianconescu and E. Pollak, “Kramers' theory for diffusion on a periodic potential”, Faraday Discussions, 195, pp 111-138 (2016) Download

A. Gover, R. Ianconescu, A. Friedman, C. Emma and P. Musumeci, “Coherent emission from a bunched electron beam: superradiance and stimulated-superradiance in a uniform and tapered wiggler FEL”, Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A, (2016) Download

E. Pollak and R. Ianconescu, “Kramers’ turnover theory: Improvement and extension to low barriers”, J. Phys. Chem. A, 120 (19), pp 3155–3164 (2016) Download

V. Vulfin and R. Ianconescu, “Transmission of the maximum number of signals through a Multi-Conductor transmission line without crosstalk or return loss: theory and simulation”, IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 9(13), pp. 1444-1452 (2015) Download

R. Ianconescu and E. Pollak, “A study of Kramers' turnover theory in the presence of exponential memory friction”, J. Chem. Phys., 143 (10) (2015) Download

A. Nause, E. Dyunin, R. Ianconescu and A. Gover, “Exact Theory of Optical Transition Radiation in the Far and Near Zones”, JOSA B, 31(10), pp. 2438-2445 (2014) Download

E. Pollak and R. Ianconescu, “Finite Barrier Corrections to the PGH solution of Kramers' turnover theory”, J. Chem. Phys., 140 (15) (2014) Download

R. Ianconescu, “TEM waves guided between many conductors”, Modern Applied Science, 7(12), DOI:10.5539/mas.v7n12p90. (2013) Download

R. Ianconescu, J. Tatchen and E. Pollak, “On-the-fly semiclassical study of internal conversion rates of formaldehyde”, J. Chem. Phys., 139 (15) (2013) Download

R. Ianconescu, “Radiation from charges in the continuum limit” , AIP Advances, 3 (6) (2013) Download

R. Ianconescu, “Plasma radiation losses in the electrostatic limit”, Composite Interfaces, 19(3-4), pp 197-207 (2012) Download

R. Ianconescu, D. Sohar and M. Mudrik, “An analysis of the Brown-Biefeld effect”, Journal of Electrostatics, 69(6), pp 512-521 (2011) Download

R. Ianconescu and E. Pollak, “Semi classical initial value representation study of internal conversion rates”, J. Chem. Phys. , 134 (23) (2011) Download

R. Ianconescu and E. Pollak, "Theory of coherent thermal photoinduced electron transfer reactions in polyatomic molecules", Molec. Phys. 104, 11 (2006) Download

R. Ianconescu, M. G. Brik and E. Pollak, "Theory of absorption in the presence of dissipation", New Journal of Physics Focus Issue on 'Brownian Motion and Diffusion in the 21st Century' 7, 22 (2005) Download

R. Ianconescu and E. Pollak, "Photo induced Cooling of Polyatomic Molecules in an Electronically Excited State in the Presence of Dushinskii Rotations", J. Phys. Chem. A, 108, pp. 7778-7784 (2004) Download

R. Ianconescu and L. P. Horwitz, "Energy mechanism of charges analyzed in real current environment", Foundations of Physics Letters, Vol. 16, Number 3, pp. 225-244 (2003) Download

R. Ianconescu and L. P. Horwitz, "Self-Force of a Charge in a Real Current", Foundations of Physics Letters, Vol. 15, Number 6, pp. 551-559 (2002) Download

E. Heyman and R. Ianconescu, "Pulsed beam diffraction by a perfectly conducting wedge: Local scattering models", IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. , AP-43(5), 519-528 (1995).

R. Ianconescu and E. Heyman, "Pulsed field diffraction by a perfectly conducting wedge: A spectral theory of transient (STT) analysis", IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., AP-42(6), 781-789 (1994).

R. Ianconescu and E. Heyman,"Pulsed beam diffraction by a perfectly conducting wedge: Exact Solution", IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., AP-42(10), 1377-1385 (1994).

R. Ianconescu and L.P. Horwitz, "Self-force of a classical charged particle", Physical Review A, Vol. 45, Number 7, pp. 4346 (1992).

E. Heyman, B.Z. Steinberg and R. Ianconescu, "Electromagnetic Complex Source Pulsed Beam Fields", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 38(7), pp. 957-963 1990.

E. Heyman and R. Ianconescu, "Pulsed Beam Reflection and Transmission at a Dielectric Interface: part I. Two-Dimensional Fields", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 38(11) 1990.